Shabahang Parvaz

Travel & Tourism Services Agency

Medical Tours to Iran

Get Iranian Visa on Arrival with us

One Night In Paradise, "Salar Dareh" Hotel

Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque (Shiraz)

Enjoy Your Night In "Pol-e Tabiat" Bridge

Do Not Miss "the Bazaar" Sometime in Isfahan

Spend One Day In "Naghsh-e Jahan" Sqaure

Above the Clouds in "Fil Band"

Catch the Stars In "Kavir-e Mesr" Desert

Rig-e Jenn
Rig-e Jenn
The Rig Jenn is a vast area of sand dunes in the middle of Dasht-e Kavir , Iran's central desert in the border region of the Semnan and Isfahan provinces . It was not travelled by the old caravan travelers , who believed it is a place where evil spirits live . Even today some in the neighbouring towns and villages believe this . Sven Hedin , the famous desert explorer avoided this area in his 1900s explorations to Iranian deserts .
The Austrian geographer Alfons Gabriel crossed the southern 'tail' of it on his way from Ashin to Aroosan in the 1930s .